If our country would adopt an expansive energy policy that would open up drilling both on and off shore we would enjoy 3 direct benefits:
- Lower prices for fuel impacting consumable goods and the fuel pump. Just reducing the price of gasoline $.50 per gallon would spread $180M per day to other industries when consumers would spend on other items. This could translate to over $300B in growth in GNP which would could add a net 1% increase to GDP.
- Greater employment would result as consumer businesses would again have the traffic flow necessary to create a better hiring environment. We believe that the economy would add an average of 80,000 people to the employment rolls per month alone.
- An average well needs 50 employees and generates $1.5m to the local economy. Pennsylvania has been enjoying a boom in the shale areas due to the resurgence in gas and oil well development. We do not have the economic impact numbers on off shore drilling but suffice it to say that the impact to local economies which are home base for off shore drillers are even more significant.
Why is it that things that seem so simply are not in Washington DC, even the Prophet has trouble seeing that.
Markets remain less volitile, keep your powder dry and remember you cannot lose by taking a profit.
The Prophet
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